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Expand (x^2y^2z^2)^3(xyz)^3*x*y*z Natural Language; Expand the first two brackets (x −y)(x − y) = x2 −xy −xy y2 ⇒ x2 y2 − 2xy Multiply the result by the last two brackets (x2 y2 −2xy)(x − y) = x3 − x2y xy2 − y3 −2x2y 2xy2 ⇒ x3 −y3 − 3x2y 3xy2 Always expand each term in the bracket by all the other terms in the other brackets, but never multiply two or Use the Laws of Logarithms to expand the expression a \(\displaystyle{\log{{\left({\left\lbrace{\frac{{{x}{y}^{{3}}}}{{{z}^{{2}}}}}\right\rbrace}\right)}}}\)
Expand (x y z)^10 Natural Language; if x^2y^2z^2=xyyzzx then find the value of x^3y^3z^3 We will work with the RHS part here, (x y z) ( x² y² z² xy yz zx) Expanding the entire bracket, = x³ xy² xz² x²y xyz zx² yx y³ yz² xy² y²z xyz zx² zy² z³ xyz yz² z²x =x³Example Express the Boolean function F = x y z as a sum of minterms Solution F = x y z = x (y z) AND (multiply) has a higher precedence than OR (add) = x(yy')(zz') (xx')yz expand 1st term by ANDing it with (y y')(z z'), and 2nd term with (x x') = x y z x y z' x y' z x y' z' x y z x' y z = m7 m6 m5 m4 m3

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